Package Prices

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call, and let us guide you in finding the ideal services for you and your loved one. We're here to support you every step of the way.

  1. End-of-Life Care Planning Session: $500

This package covers all the essential elements of end-of-life planning. Rest assured, I have got you covered with everything you need to think about when planning for your end of life.

As a professional death doula, I will guide you in addressing topics that many of us tend to avoid and handle any questions or concerns that come up for you about the end of life.

The End-of-Life Care Planning Session will cover four key areas.  

Physical needs – determining the type of care preferred, location, and who should be involved.

Emotional needs – addressing mental and emotional distress, depression, or anxiety related to the end of life.

Spiritual needs – encouraging exploration or rediscovery of one's religion or spirituality before passing away.

Practical needs – making arrangements for necessary support, discussing with family, and connecting with loved ones.

After doing an assessment of the client's needs and goals for the end of life, we will create a written plan that they will have to share with their family and loved ones.

This package is good for anyone that would like to be prepared for the end of life.


2. End-of-Life Planning Session and Support: $1300

Take your planning to the next level with the addition to the comprehensive services of Package 1, you'll also receive six months of ongoing end-of-life guidance from a trained death doula through in-person visits, zoom calls, phone calls, texts, and emails during the end-of-life journey. I will be there for you and your family every step of the way.

This plan is perfect for anyone that has had a terminal diagnosis and wants to get clear on the care they would like at the end of life plus get the support they need to ensure their wishes are fulfilled.


3. Complete End of Life Support: $3,000

Package 3 is designed to offer you peace of mind that you will not be alone at the end of your life, you will have the support of a death doula every step of the way.

Choosing this package, I start by providing you with a written end-of-life care plan and six months of service from package 2, and from there, I stand by your side until the final day with on-call, 24-hour, in-person support during the active dying phase. I am here for you and your family, day or night, ready to provide the comfort and care you all need during this sensitive time.

The support doesn't end there. I extend a helping hand through the funeral and beyond, with our dedicated mourning doula services. I understand that grief is a unique and personal experience, and I am here to offer solace, comfort, and understanding whenever you need it most.

Schedule a call today to gain a deeper understanding of what each package entails.